Welcome to Rogue Stories!
Hey! Hi! Hello! How are you? Welcome to the Rogue Stories newsletter. My name is Max Rohnen, author in process and all around troublemaker.
In all honesty, I'm not exactly sure how to use Substack. I feel fairly certain that I'll get it all wrong, be completely ineffective, and confuse the heck out of anyone who stumbles upon this beautiful mess. But, alas, that is the burden of being a Rogue Author.
As far as the troublemaker part goes, I don't strive for this, it's not a purposeful endeavor. It just sort of happens by virtue of me always going my own way. I'm a rule breaker, you see. If 10,000 people tell me that I need to go one way, I'll try the other route, just for giggles. Well, as long as it makes sense to me.
Take Substack for example, which is "advertised" as a platform for journalists, thought provokers, subject matter experts, essayists, essentially a more sophisticated Medium, all wrapped up as a subscription-based newsletter. Which can also be monetized, by the way. If I only used Substack for that, I'd be all in. But I also see its potential for fiction authors, how it can be used as a Patreon substitute, even an alternative to the Kindle Vella by offering story installments via paid subscriptions. Maybe not what Substack was originally created for, but I see the potential and I'm willing to give it a shot. I believe that more so than paid ads and algorithms, connections with other humans who love what you do will ultimately prove to be more rewarding (and profitable) than the path most travelled. And, I like having control. I like doing things my way. This is the Rogue Life.
What's in it for you? Well, you get to join me on the crazy adventure, of course. I will attempt to regale you with my unique perspective on things, offer advice, and hopefully encourage you as you make your way through your own Rogue Life in pursuit of your passion and your purpose.
So, with all of that being said, I actually need to write some stuff if I'm going to prove my point. I hope you’ll join me by subscribing to this newsletter and I will do my best to make it worth your while.
See you around!